Hear ye, hear ye! The fifth edi­tion of Hand­buch Ver­trieb­srecht (Hand­book of Dis­tri­bu­tion Law), edited by Mar­tinek, Semler and Flohr, has been pub­lished. It’s a tome of 3,155 (plus LXXVII) pages that once again provides a sys­tem­at­ic and detailed present­a­tion of this area of law, both nation­ally (from a Ger­man per­spect­ive) and inter­na­tion­ally. One of the new addi­tions from my pen is a chapter on Singa­pore, which deals com­pre­hens­ively with its com­mer­cial agency, author­ised deal­er, fran­chise and com­pet­i­tion laws.