That German-Singapore Lawyer

Tag: Commercial law

Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrecht Singapur, Anyone?

A law­yer shall not live by arbit­ra­tion alone (at least not this one). As much as I enjoy arbit­ra­tion, I also enjoy advising cli­ents in an area of law that has, over time, become a pro­fes­sion­al hobby­horse: eco­nom­ic admin­is­trat­ive law. This is the area of law that empowers or requires gov­ern­ment agen­cies to mon­it­or or inter­vene in the private sec­tor. The eco­nom­ic admin­is­trat­ive law of Singa­pore, in Ger­man: das Wirtschafts­ver­wal­tung­s­recht von Singapur. Repeat after me.

Singapore’s New Law on Electronic Bills of Lading

Peking, a steel-hulled four-masted barque, was one of the last generation of cargo-carrying iron-hulled sailing ships. She probably carried many bills of lading.
New tech­no­logy on the horizon

Singa­pore has adop­ted the UNCITRAL Mod­el Law on Elec­tron­ic Trans­fer­able Records, in a bid to get elec­tron­ic bills of lad­ing (eBOL) off the ground after pre­vi­ous efforts failed. The Singa­pore Cham­ber of Mari­time Arbit­ra­tion has pub­lished the ori­gin­al Eng­lish ver­sion of my art­icle on the new law. Trans­port­recht, the trans­port­a­tion law journ­al, has pub­lished the Ger­man ver­sion.

The Supreme Court of Singapore

Singapurischer Internationaler Handelsgerichtshof eröffnet

Anfang 2015 wurde der Singapur­ische Inter­na­tionale Han­dels­gericht­shof (Singa­pore Inter­na­tion­al Com­mer­cial Court oder SICC) eröffnet. Das Gericht ist als Teil des singapur­ischen Supreme Court für inter­na­tionale Han­dels­sachen zuständig und ver­eint schiedsgericht­liche und gericht­liche Ele­mente. Singapur will dam­it seine Pos­i­tion als inter­na­tionales Streit­sch­lich­tung­szen­trum ausbauen.

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