A lawyer shall not live by arbitration alone (at least not this one). As much as I enjoy arbitration, I also enjoy advising clients in an area of law that has, over time, become a professional hobbyhorse: economic administrative law. This is the area of law that empowers or requires government agencies to monitor or intervene in the private sector. The economic administrative law of Singapore, in German: das Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrecht von Singapur. Repeat after me.
Tag: Commercial law
Singapore has adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records, in a bid to get electronic bills of lading (eBOL) off the ground after previous efforts failed. The Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration has published the original English version of my article on the new law. Transportrecht, the transportation law journal, has published the German version.
Anfang 2015 wurde der Singapurische Internationale Handelsgerichtshof (Singapore International Commercial Court oder SICC) eröffnet. Das Gericht ist als Teil des singapurischen Supreme Court für internationale Handelssachen zuständig und vereint schiedsgerichtliche und gerichtliche Elemente. Singapur will damit seine Position als internationales Streitschlichtungszentrum ausbauen.