That German-Singapore Lawyer

Tag: ai

On the Diminishing Importance of Humanity in Arbitration

Last week­end the Asia ADR Sum­mit was held in Kuala Lum­pur. I had the hon­our and pleas­ure of par­ti­cip­at­ing in an Oxford-style debate on the top­ic: ‘This House believes that “human­ity” is dis­pens­able in arbit­ra­tion, and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence will sup­plant arbit­rat­ors in the future’.

Here is my state­ment and my rebuttal.

On Arbitration, Football and Vacuum-Cleaning Robots

The Singa­pore Insti­tute of Arbit­rat­ors invited me to debate the fol­low­ing motion: ‘This House Believes That Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence Will Have Replaced Arbit­rat­ors with­in Twenty-Five Years’. In short: can – will – algorithms replace arbit­rat­ors with­in a generation?

We were debat­ing this last night. Here are my open­ing and clos­ing statements.

Group picture of the debaters, the judges and the moderator, all arbitration practitioners
Two birds in a dispute

How Do We Resolve Disputes? What’s with Those Algorithms?

This really very long and quasi-aca­dem­ic post is based on a speech I gave to MBA stu­dents of the Man­age­ment Devel­op­ment Insti­tute of Singa­pore some­time in 2016. Sub­ject: how do we resolve dis­putes and what bor­ders, geo­graph­ic­al or oth­er­wise, do we cross in doing so? Bor­ders and oth­er­wise, ged­dit, I was talk­ing about dis­pute res­ol­u­tion in cyber­space and algorithms.

Dark forest scene. Insecure

Security in Cyberspace, Fifty Years into Its Colonisation

The space where all data exchange and com­mu­nic­a­tion of the Inter­net hap­pens, cyber­space, is neut­ral. Noth­ing insec­ure adheres to it in and of itself. Insec­ur­ity is brought in by man who pop­u­lates cyber­space, and by the tools that he has brought along. So how to regain secur­ity in this space – cybersecurity?

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