My doctoral dissertation has been published as an e‑book and in print. Its title translates as ‘SICC or Arbitration? A Comparison of Proceedings in the Singapore International Commercial Court with the Advantages and Disadvantages of International Arbitration Proceedings’. It does what it says on the tin, so here’s just a bit of background.

The dissertation was the main part of my doctorate. It deals with the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC), which has been in existence since the beginning of 2015. The German-speaking legal community noted the SICC’s opening and occasionally mentions it in discussions about establishing commercial courts in Germany. Until now, however, there has been no monographic study of this court. My motivation was to present the SICC to the German-speaking legal community (and other interested parties) as a practical example and to show that a commercial court can be set up and operated reasonably successfully within two years. The increasing importance of Southeast Asia, in addition to Asia’s general significance, further enhances the relevance of the SICC for German businesses.
But the SICC is not the be-all and end-all. Arbitration remains the most popular form of dispute resolution for international commercial disputes. So why would parties bring an international commercial dispute to the SICC rather than to arbitration?
Parties might choose the SICC if the reasons for arbitration applied as well or better to the SICC. They might also consider it if arbitration’s disadvantages were less pronounced or different in SICC proceedings. The dissertation analyses the extent to which this is the case.
I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Dr Wolfgang Hau, my second examiner Professor Dr Klaus Sachs, but also Professor Dr Giesela Rühl and Professor Dr Thomas Riehm for providing me with the latest literature just before the dissertation went to press. I would also like to thank my colleague Dr Andreas Respondek for his encouragement and proofreading. Also, thanks to my eternal basketball coach Edafe Knabe for regularly providing me with digital mixtapes that make all work easier. My greatest thanks go to my wife Nura Senari for her unconditional support during my doctorate journey. She immediately knew what I was getting at when I told her one day in early August 2022 that I had an idea for a project …
The book is available for purchase here.
This is the English version of a German LinkedIn post from the other day.
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