Smart contracts are described as self-executing: how they are formed is how they will be performed. This is why some of us see no (or at least less) room for legal dispute over them.
It shouldn’t be this way. Where it’s efficient, it should be possible to breach a smart contract. Even though this may lead to a legal dispute.
The Implicit Premise
In How Do We Resolve Disputes? I spoke at length about dispute resolution, in the physical world and in cyberspace, and by and for whom, and how. All this was based on one basic premise: there will be legal disputes in the first place.
But is this premise correct?

There are these new kids on the block who, some say, come with the potential to reduce the amount of (or even do away entirely with) legal disputes, at least as far as legal disputes over contracts are concerned. With them, their champions argue, there will be less (or even no) need for the often costly resolution of legal dispute, thus less (or even no) need for the sometimes complicated and time-consuming, at times even impossible, enforcement of such dispute resolution.
Smart contracts.
They haven’t really made an entrance yet, but it’s like their advance guard has already arrived.
Self-Executing Agreements
What are smart contracts? In today’s understanding, they’re contracts coded on blockchains, as I’ve touched on when I wrote about smartifying blockchains, legally. There’s a good and more detailed write-up on smart contracts here. In a nutshell, smart contracts facilitate, verify and enact agreements between consenting parties.
Enact as in: self-execute.
Self-executing agreements. This is pacta sunt servanda 2.0. Or: pacta erunt servanda. No longer agreements are to be kept, but agreements will be kept.
Bye Bye, Disputes?
Of course, with an agreement that executes itself, how can there still be room for legal dispute over it, right? How you form it is how you perform it. Or perhaps not?
A thesis like this is based entirely on the understanding of a smart contract as executable code and nothing else. In this understanding, there is room for legal dispute only where it turns out the code isn’t executable, say because it contains critical errors. Seen this way, a legal dispute over unclear contractual terms can only be the result of an abnormal termination due to a severe bug. But if you can avoid such critical faults in your contract code, the transaction will take its course and come to its end, all as agreed.
However, while indeed every smart contract contains executable code, not every legal dispute over a smart contract may only be the result of critically faulty contract terms. There’s also that kind of dispute which arises because one party breaches the contract voluntarily. This has nothing to do with the contract itself. For what it’s worth, the contract itself might be flawless.
Contract Law Made Me Do It
According to the theory of efficient breach of contract, a party should be allowed to breach a contract if (i) the breach is efficient (meaning performance of the contract is not), and (ii) the party in breach pays damages to the other party.
This is economic analysis of law at work. Contracts help allocate resources to their highest-valued use. Contract law, therefore, aims to facilitate this. This is why breaching a contract is not a crime. In fact, under certain circumstances it may be the right thing to do.
The ‘law’ of self-executing smart contracts – that is to say, the way they are coded – does not seem to fulfil this efficiency-serving function as well as traditional contract law.
However, if we want smart contracts to serve a similar function of allocating resources efficiently, then their code shouldn’t counteract but facilitate that. In short: we should code smart contracts in such a way as to allow a party to breach them. As with old-school contracts, this will lead to the question whether the breach is efficient so that the other party may claim damages? And if so, to how much?
I daresay the answers to these questions are open to dispute. As far as I can see at this point in time, the answers can’t lie embedded in a smart contract.
Martin Smith
Pat– Sounds very reasonable, but I’d also say there appears to be a reasonable way to code a solution. How about if the contract gives each party (or one party) the option to cancel the contract with automatic payment of the penalty? At any time prior to settlement, a party wishing to breach records a “cancel the contract” message to the ledger; when it’s time for settlement, the contract logic pays the contract amount if the contract conditions are fulfilled AND the “cancel the contract” message has not been recorded; otherwise (and if the conditions are fulfilled) the contract logic pays the agreed penalty. (And a variation is that the contract is cancelled and penalty paid as soon as the “cancel the contract” message is posted, but then the contract code would have to be polling the ledger to notice the message, or the message code would have to notify the contract code.)
Meanwhile, even without these features in the smart contract, I assume the parties would have some recourse to the courts to get an order for the payment to be returned to the buyer after smart-contract execution, assuming there were good cause. (I assume however that there is probably no case-law yet to support this approach.)
And finally: as you know, the huge limitation on automated enforcement via smart contract is that all the relevant data needed to determine that contract terms have been fulfilled must be accessible (in a very reliable and un-hackable way, from an authoritative source) to the smart-contract code. That is likely to be hard to achieve for complex contracts that rely on judgement in any way.
Thanks for your comment, Martin.
The solution you suggest is proactive. Nothing wrong with proactivity, but agreeing on a penalty payable on a breach is not the same as having to pay damages. To determine a penalty is anticipatory. A person who is liable in damages must restore the position that would exist if the circumstance obliging him to pay damages had not occurred. This is reactive. This distinction is relevant because parties are only so much able to anticipate the damages they might suffer. Chances are they will be able to quantify the damage suffered in full after the damaging event. But even this may be difficult if not impossible.
How to include all this in a smart contract? I daresay we can’t, as long as we are creatures crawling from left to right on a single timeline. 😉 Since not all the facts of any given case are foreseeable and includable at the time a smart contract is entered into, disputes over it will remain. Common points of issue are: Is there a damaging event, an efficient breach of contract for example, in the first place (including the issue of causation)? If so, what are the damages suffered – does damage include wasted expenditure only or does it extend to expectation loss (lost profits)? What about intangible damage? Did the damaged party contribute to the damage (contributory negligence)? If so, does it matter? If it does, to which extent, financially? It’s easy to get lost in details once you start thinking of it.
This is why we, the proponents of smart contracts, shouldn’t be taken in by the idea smart contracts will be self-executing so very much that disputes will no longer arise from them.
Now, tomorrow’s resolution and enforcement of such disputes, that’s a hot topic. If you’re interested in it, check out Robots and Legal Reasoning: Thinking Like a Lawyer 2.0 by Alvin Chen, or even my How Do We Resolve Disputes? What’s with Those Algorithms?
On a side note, did you know contractual penalty clauses (meaning clauses which do not merely fix a realistic sum as liquidated damages in case of a foreseen breach event) are not enforceable in many (most?) common law jurisdictions precisely because of their penal character? Contractual penalties are deemed unconscionable per se. Whereas most civil law jurisdictions are okay with contractual penalty clauses in general, as long as the penalty amount stays on this side of unconscionability. The transgression of this limit remains a legal defence.
thanks for info.