Hello, my name is Patrick. Patorikku is the Japanese way of saying it, and I use it for this personal blog.
If you’ve come here to find out about me as an arbitrator or mediator, I’d like to direct you to my other website, which is dedicated to this line of work. But have a look around here too!
I’m German and have been living in Singapore since 2001 or 2008, depending on how you look at it. In any case, Singapore is my home.
What do I do? I’m a German-qualified lawyer (Rechtsanwalt). I am also one of the small number of foreign lawyers qualified, registered and authorised to practise both Singapore law (in permitted areas) and German law in Singapore, and a fully registered foreign lawyer with the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC). By day I practise arbitration, mediation, corporate and commercial (including shipping) and IT law. By night, I blog about this and other things. Sometimes. Not nearly often enough.
I have a nerdy side, which I indulge as a member of the Tolkien Society and the Sons of the Desert.
The rest is yoga. Or, when I get the chance, scuba diving.
Feel free to drop me a line.