Patrick Dahm German-Singapore lawyer and arbitrator

Hello, my name is Patrick. Pat­orikku is the Japan­ese way of say­ing it, and I use it for this per­son­al blog.

If you’ve come here to find out about me as an arbit­rat­or or medi­at­or, I’d like to dir­ect you to my oth­er web­site, which is ded­ic­ated to this line of work. But have a look around here too!

I’m Ger­man and have been liv­ing in Singa­pore since 2001 or 2008, depend­ing on how you look at it. In any case, Singa­pore is my home.

What do I do? I’m a Ger­man-qual­i­fied law­yer (Rechts­an­walt). I am also one of the small num­ber of for­eign law­yers qual­i­fied, registered and author­ised to prac­tise both Singa­pore law (in per­mit­ted areas) and Ger­man law in Singa­pore, and a fully registered for­eign law­yer with the Singa­pore Inter­na­tion­al Com­mer­cial Court (SICC). By day I prac­tise arbit­ra­tion, medi­ation, cor­por­ate and com­mer­cial (includ­ing ship­ping) and IT law. By night, I blog about this and oth­er things. Some­times. Not nearly often enough.

I have a nerdy side, which I indulge as a mem­ber of the Tolki­en Soci­ety and the Sons of the Desert.

The rest is yoga. Or, when I get the chance, scuba diving.

Feel free to drop me a line.